Half Bridge Igbt Drivers For Mac


Driver Reference supply input. Generally connected to power ground of external circuitry. LO: Low-side drive output. Connect to gate of the external low-side power MOSFET or IGBT. PWM or Independent drive. Logic low allows for independent operation and logic high allows for single input PWM drive operation. The MIC4604 is an 85V Half Bridge MOSFET driver. The MIC4604 features fast 39ns propagation delay times and 20ns driver rise/fall times for a 1nF capacitive.

High-voltage power gate drivers from target low- to mid-power applications and can be used in end products like white goods, lighting ballasts, and industrial applications, such as motor control. These high-voltage, high-side, and low-side drivers are specified over a wide temperature range (-40°C.

I have designed a PCB with a FAN73933 half bridge driver. It is designed to drive 2 IGBTs (FGH40N60SMD) with +- 170V rails. I have attached a schematic for better understanding.

The problem is I can not seem to get the high side to turn on. The system uses a boot strapping method to boost the gate voltage for the high side.

When I scope the boot capacitor I see a steady 12V, which is my Vcc for testing. My rail voltage is +12 and 0V so all my GND,COM,-V are tied together. I'm driving the system with a simple Arduino for testing, its outputting a 1khz 50% duty wave with 10% dead time, this was verified on a scope. The low side gate driving wave form is as expected and I believe the low side is turning full on. The high side seems to never have any voltage on the gate.

Igbt Driver Ic

That being said, as i crank up the frequency above 20khz I begin to pull a lot of power. I'm using a 50 Ohm test load so the max current draw should be.5A I'm seeing 6A based on a shunt resistor. What I don't understand is that there appears to never be any gate voltage so i cant be having a shoot through. Also the controller has shoot through prevention, it will not turn both gates on at once. I'm really confused, all the signals look OK except for the bootstrap and the high side gate. The boot diode is a 600V Schottky also.

Half Bridge Igbt Drivers For Mac Os


Igbt Driver Board

One item to note is when I start pulling a lot of power the high side IGBT will get warm. Any input would be appreciated.