Colorlinker For Mac


Jul 15, 2005 - There is a new software for Mac what enables all conversions between PANTONE, RAL and HKS - ColorLinker. Check it: How to Set Paths, Colors, Fonts and Aliases on a Linux System on a Macintosh. Are you used to using a Linux machine and recently switched to Mac? If so, do you miss colored files (blue directories, green executables, etc.) and Emacs GUIs?. Color Picker is a utility application, designed for all Cocoa developers and application designers. An efficient color picker, for professionals, who care about. Quick Links (mac).

  1. Colorlinker For Mac

Marathoner Marathoner is a command line tool for effective local testing of solutions for Marathon Match competitions(organized by TopCoder Inc.(Features -Cross-platform: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. Written in Python. VERY simple interface. To run your solution on seed 5 just type: ```5```.

To run your solution on first 100 seeds, just type: ```1 100```. Keeping track of the best scores for each seed, so you can compare your solutions locally. Export of input data from visualizer into file, so you can debug on them. Works with visualizer.jar files, so it doesn't require any changes to the solution code. Installation - Get Python 2.6 or 2.7 at If you have.pip.

Python package manager installed, run: ```pip install marathoner```. Or download the source code and from.marathoner. directory run: ```python install```. Getting started - Let me show you how to setup Marathoner for a recent Marathon Match called ColorLinker(1. Download the visualizer ColorLinkerVis.jar(Create a solution that communicates with visualizer as described here(and make sure your solution works by running: ```java -jar ColorLinkerVis.jar -exec ' -seed 1``` 2.

From command line run: ```marathoner new ColorLinkerMarat```. In your current directory Marathoner will create a new directory named.ColorLinkerMarat. where it will store all files and folders related to ColorLinker match. Go into newly created directory.ColorLinkerMarat. and edit.marathoner.cfg. file. Fill out its contents as described in comments inside the file.

Colorlinker For Mac

Here is an example of my.cfg file for this match: ``` marathoner visualizer = c: Users Mimino ColorLinker ColorLinkerVis.jar solution = 'c: Users Mimino ColorLinker ColorLinker.exe' # notice the quotes here! # for Java: # solution = java -cp 'c: Users Mimino ColorLinker ColorLinker.class' source = c: Users Mimino ColorLinker ColorLinker ColorLinker.cpp testcase = c: Users Mimino ColorLinker testcase.txt maximize = false novis = -novis vis = params = -side 10 ``` 4. While still in.ColorLinkerMarat.

directory, from command line run: ```marathoner run```. If everything is okay, you should see a welcome message and the command line prompt. Try typing: ``` 1 Running single test 1.

Score = 123456.0 Run time: 0.146289 New score: 100 Old score: 1200 +90,00% better ``` You should see the visualization for the seed number 1. Close the visualizer and type another command. Congratulations, you are now ready to compete! Available commands - #### vis params Run single test with visualization.

Examples: ``` 5 # run seed 5 5 -side 15 # run seed 5 with additional visualizer option '-side 15' ``` #### vis params Run multiple tests with seeds from interval.seed1.-.seed2., inclusive. Visualization is turned off. Examples: ``` 1 100 # run seeds from interval 1-100, inclusive 1 100 -side 15 # run seeds from interval 1-100, inclusive, with additional visualizer option '-side 15' ``` #### best seed1 seed2 Print the best scores for the seeds. Examples: ``` best # print the best scores for all the known seeds best 5 # print the best score for seed 5 best 1 100 # print the best scores for seeds in interval 1-100, inclusive ``` #### clear Clear console window. #### help Show list of available commands. #### quit Quit Marathoner prompt.

Tips and tricks -If your solution gets stuck, type '.Q.' to terminate its execution. If you are executing multiple tests, it terminates the whole execution.

If your solution crashes on some seed and you want to debug it, you can find input data of this seed in file specified by.testcase. field in the.cfg file. If you internally measure running time of your solution, from your solution output to standard error line in format: '```Run time = ```' and Marathoner will parse it out for further processing. You can find log of the last multiple-tests run in.ColorLinkerMarat.

dictionary, called.multipletests.log. When you run multiple tests, standard error output from your solution is not displayed. But lines starting with '!'

Are displayed, still.

The Problem For anyone upgrading from Microsoft Word 2003 to a newer version, there’s one annoying issue. The color we’ve all come to know as “hyperlink blue” is no longer one of the default options in the font color picker. With this color no longer a default option for authors to select, we’ve seen documents using varying shades of blue. A submission won’t be rejected because of this.

However, it is a concern if we want to ensure that the FDA reviewers experience a consistent look for every document in a submission. So, here’s how to make text “hyperlink blue” in Microsoft Word. (The images below are from Word 2010; however, the process is the same for both Word 2013 and Word 2016.) The Solution Start by selecting the text you wish to turn blue. Then select the font color tool from the “Home” ribbon and click on “More Colors ” from the drop-down menu.

From the “Colors” menu that pops up, select the “Custom” tab. Make sure that the “Color model” selected is “RGB” and enter “255” in the “Blue” box.

Click “OK.” The selected text is now the proper shade of blue. You may now select additional text to turn blue. This shade of blue should now appear in the “Recent Colors” list in the font color picker’s drop down menu. Now you can quickly select it again in the future, without having to repeat the steps above. Note that this color will remain in the “Recent Colors” menu only as long as you keep a Word window open.

Colorlinker For Mac

Colorlinker for mac os

If you close all Word windows, you’ll need to repeat this process in order to use “hyperlink blue” again. Editors Note: This post was originally published on 25 April 2011. I've updated it with info covering the latest versions of Microsoft Word.