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Posted in, at 4:23 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz Related: “The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently” – Friedrich Nietzsche Summary: European Patents (EPs) will no longer be worth the money, as the work associated with studying (prior art), granting, and ‘gardening’ patents is reduced to appalling quality that assures neither certainty nor value HERE IS ABSOLUTELY nothing that the Battistelli regime won’t say to save face. Lies have become routine and sometimes we see people who repeat these lies. “Found on LinkedIn,” told us an EPO insider, was the following post.

“Martin Schweiger, Schweiger & Partner on promo tour? “Please fill in” Well, EPO insiders probably know the issue with that statement, especially now that EPO stakeholders openly speak about the declining quality of EPO ‘products’. The help contradict him by demonstrating that the end result is appalling and does not merit actual payment for a ‘service’. It’s a ripoff. In fact, insiders have long worried about Battistelli, an unscientific boss, trying to throw everything at machines with no human supervision/operators and with virtually no human judgment.

There’s already a detailed explanation of. Not even the ever attempted something crazy like that. Battistelli was probably ‘sold’ on some pseudo-science. Now that EPO receives a decreasing number of applications it’s not clear if there’s much of a future beyond Battistelli. All he brags about (a former French colony with no European Patents) and days ago we saw an ‘article’ by Shilpi Saxena from Khurana and Khurana.

It: The second amendment came into existence on January 23rd 20174 when Cambodia signed an agreement of validation with the European Patent Organization (EPO) and became the first country in Asia to do so. This change will be effective once it is incorporated and adopted into the law of kingdom of Cambodia, possibly by July 1st 2017.

Based on this amendment, the European Patent applicants will be able to submit in future a request for validation in the kingdom of Cambodia, where the European Patent will have the same value and effect as a Cambodian national patent application and will be subjected to national law. The 2 major amendments discussed above will now be discussed in more detail below. All that talk about “European Patent applicants”, but Cambodia does not even register on the radar at the EPO. It’s somewhat symptomatic of what the Battistelli regime will leave the EPO with — a legacy of shame and disgrace, not to mention brain drain and layoffs. We can’t help wondering what companies that invested millions if not billions in EPs think these days. Posted in, at 3:43 pm by Dr.

Roy Schestowitz Related: Summary: The contempt/disregard for human life and for the health of employees at the European Patent Office extends to the Administrative Council (European Patent Organisation) HE news about changes at the may have begun circulating in German media and even. Earlier today The Register covered some of the latest events, including last week’s meeting, Battistelli’s expected departure, the suicide of a British examiner in Munich, and various other things. Among the key points (with highlight on what’s new to us): Perhaps more significantly, the Administrative Council named its new chairman after its current chair, Jesper Kongstad, unexpectedly resigned from his position of chairman of the Danish patent office. Kongstad was widely credited with supporting and protecting Battistelli at the council, repeatedly blocking efforts to have him kicked out of the job early.

In his place, from October, will be German Christoph Ernst, who has been a critic of several of Battistelli’s more controversial reforms. The selection of Ernst has been widely seen as a public rebuke of Battistelli for his crusade against anyone opposing his plans – a situation that has led to a complete breakdown in communication between staff and management. At its recent meeting in Munich, the Administrative Council was asked by the EPO staff union to launch an independent investigation into the circumstances behind the recent suicide of an examiner: the sixth such death in just five years. They declined to do so. Battistelli famously storms out of meetings if he doesn’t like what he hears. IAM’s editor.

It seems plausible. “We referred to Nouvel as a “death trap” last night because of the fire risk — a subject for which we can hopefully leak hard evidence one day.”Regarding some of Battistelli’s latest proposals, one person: “If these sort of changes are passed it shows that it isn’t just the top that is rotten. What a toxic place to have to work at.” “So the penthouse suite,” added another person.

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“Is it included as a benefit?” The EPO. As we pointed out before, which had been tasked with construction of Nouvel, a building which we wrote about last night. TBI Holding wanted to sue the EPO. But guess what it cannot. Thanks to the notorious immunity, Dutch authorities are unlikely to investigate such irregularities (or potential felonies). We referred to Nouvel as a “death trap” last night because of the fire risk — a subject for which we can hopefully leak hard evidence one day. “It’s one of the many things that make the EPO an undesirable employer that tends to cover things up rather than make up.”Regarding the accident this week, we later received additional information about it from Dutch people.

One person said, “please be careful when commenting on the accident.” Another person, a native Dutch speaker, said that it was not as serious as the headlines (or automated translation of these) may suggest. “A worker fell from the building’s highest floor three meters to the floor below,” one person said. “He was injured and needed to be brought to a hospital. But it was an accident and has nothing to do with Nouvel or Battistelli. Such a thing can happen everywhere. Let’s hope that the guy is not severely injured and will get better soon.

What is strange is that the labour inspection can investigate what happened when someone gets injured but is not allowed to enter EPO premises when someone comes to death by suicide.” It’s one of the many things that make the EPO an undesirable employer that tends to cover things up rather than make up. Introspection is simply not an option.