Watch Introducing The New Skype For Mac

Watch Introducing The New Skype For Mac
  1. Watch Introducing The New Skype For Mac

This post was written by Peter Skillman, Director of Design for Skype and Outlook. Our passion for bringing people closer together through simple, seamless experiences that “just work” is the foundation of Skype. Over time, we’ve grown beyond our origins of voice-only calling, adding video calling, messaging, group video calling, and a broad range of other features and services. As Skype functionality has expanded, so too has its complexity. As with any feature rich product, maintaining simplicity while enhancing functionality is critical to usability. This past year we explored some design changes and heard from customers that we overcomplicated some of our core scenarios.

The new Skype for Mac: It’s everything you love about Skype, plus new features you’ve been asking for.

Calling became harder to execute and Highlights didn’t resonate with a majority of users. We needed to take a step back and simplify! Today, I want to share our focus on simplicity. to provide an overall better experience for you by making Skype faster to learn and easier to use. Simplified navigation—We are refocusing on the fundamentals of why most people use Skype—to make a call (often with video) and/or send a message. Our new navigation model removes redundant and underused features that create clutter—making it much easier to find the people you want to talk to and contact them in an instant.

On mobile we are moving to three buttons at the bottom of the app—Chats, Calls, and Contacts. Removing Highlights and Capture provides a cleaner and more efficient user interface (UI) that is easy to navigate while still providing all the functionality Skype customers want. (Note: you will be able download all the Highlights that you have posted until September 30, 2018.) For the desktop, we’re connecting to the Skype legacy while producing a navigation model that is familiar to our mobile experience. We moved buttons for Chats, Calls, Contacts, and Notifications to the top left of the window, making it easy for long-time Skype users to understand. Easy to discover contacts, updated for simplicity—Our data suggests Contacts isn’t a highly used entry point for most Skype customers, but those who do use it find it a “critical” and “safety” mechanism to find people they may have otherwise forgotten in a long list of contacts. Modern, fresh look and feel—Your content is king.

We want to celebrate content AND give you a full range of color expression with light and dark themes. We toned down the visual range of the gradients and reintroduced a simplified Skype “Classic” blue theme—adjusted for contrast and readability. We also reduced some of the more decorative elements—such as notifications with a squiggle shape cut out—which weren’t core to getting things done. The result is a more elegant experience that brings your content to the forefront. To develop these designs, our team worked closely with Skype customers. We looked at how people use Skype apps, performing extensive testing across global markets and building prototypes to test new concepts.

We also created a site so you can vote on the feature changes you want us to prioritize. While we have plenty of work left to do, we hope you find these changes simplify your experience and bring you closer to those who matter. We are listening to your feedback and are wholly committed to improving the Skype experience based on what you are telling us. We hope this updated design makes Skype easier to use and provides a better Skype experience. This is only the beginning and you can expect many more updates over the next several months as we continue to simplify and improve the core experiences around calling, chat, and contacts. We are passionate about bringing you closer to the people in your life—so if we can do that better,.

Watch this space for more to come in the near future. —Peter Skillman.The new design is available on the latest Skype version (8.29) for Android, iOS, OS X, Linux, Windows 7, 8 & 8.1 operating systems.

It’s finally here! Microsoft has at last released the new Mac client for Skype for Business. (Okay, it was released on October 26. But I was on vacation.) As soon as I saw the announcement, I grabbed a copy and one of our test Macs. The same Mac on which I’d tested the Skype Preview earlier in the year (and had several issues). Fortunately, the new Mac client installed & ran smoothly.

Get the Mac Client Download Skype for Business on Mac here: (Curious note: Microsoft has a page up for Skype for Business apps:. The Mac client version available here?

It’s still Lync for Mac 2011. Somebody didn’t do their update) So what do we have for our Mac friends? The new client is, I’d say, a fair and equitable companion to the Windows Skype for Business client. There are some differences, and (as of now) a few limitations. But overall, I think our Mac customers will enjoy this client very much. What the Mac Client Has You wouldn’t expect any Skype for Business client not to have all the basics. The Mac client is no different.

Presence status, IM, making/receiving phone calls, Meetings (Meet Now and Scheduled Skype Meetings), video calling, screen sharingall are included. It even has a couple new features: One-click Meeting Join. Full-screen sharing.

All within a nice clean typical-Mac-UI interface. Being a Windows guy, I thought for a moment that they’d stripped out many of the options.

Until I realized that those options were available in the Skype for Business navigation menus instead. Which actually led me to finding some notable differences between client versions. Differences from Windows Client In keeping with the Mac’s “streamlined UI” motif, several items you’d find right away in the Windows client aren’t showing in the Mac client. At least, not at a glance. For instance, Call Forwarding. You can set Call Forwarding options in 2 places on Windows – in Skype for Business’ Options, and in the Call Forwarding dropdown along the bottom of the Windows client. The latter option is not available in Skype4B on Mac.

You can only set Call Forwarding in the Preferences window, under Calls. (As you see here, setting your Voicemail Greeting is also under Calls.) Also, Device selection. Through which device will you make & receive calls? On Windows, Skype for Business lets you choose this in the same 2 places as Call Forwarding. On Mac, Skype for Business only lets you do this in Preferences, under Audio/Video.

By default, Instant Messaging windows open in the main Skype for Business window, under “Chats.” Chats also serves as Conversation History in the Mac client. (If you want separate windows for Instant Messaging conversations, check the “Show conversations in separate windows” box in the Preferences/General window.) Limitations & Known Issues This is a V1 client. I’m sure Microsoft could have held it back longer for more feature additions, but they opted not to.

Kind of glad they did; Mac users have dealt with Lync for Mac for too long. That said, the new Mac client does have limitations. A few features Windows users enjoy are not availableat least not at this stage. No Application Sharing (yet). Persistent Chat is NOT integrated. No Delegate management.

No initiating calls to Response Groups. Call Park is not available.

In terms of known issues, Microsoft has already published a list: One to note here: you can’t have both Lync for Mac and Skype for Business on Mac clients installed side-by-side. If you use Lync for Mac, uninstall it before installing Skype for Business. I came across one of the issues almost immediately. If you’re logged into Skype for Business with one account, but logged into Outlook with another, Skype Meeting functionality doesn’t come up in Outlook. Even when you’re logged in with the same account, you may need to use the “Online Meeting” button to add Skype Meeting URLs/dial-in numbers to a Meeting invite. When I first opened a new Meeting, I had a blank invite.

I clicked the Online Meeting button, and you see the result below. Instant Skype Meeting. It’s Finally Here! Go Install Skype for Business on your Mac Final impressions: I’m glad Microsoft did the Preview. This client was all-new, and it definitely had bugs. Leveraging the Skype4B community is a good way to hunt them down quickly.

Watch Introducing The New Skype For Mac

The new Mac client is stable; I’ve had it running for over 36 hours now with no errors or crashes. It has a good feature set. It’s ready for day-to-day use. And we’re all happy for that! For a full feature list, check the now-updated client comparison table: (Just remember to uninstall Lync for Mac first. And the Skype Preview client, if you tried that out!) What do you think of Skype for Business on Mac? Please comment below or email in your thoughts.