Theodore Roosevelt Quotes


I recently got reacquainted with our 26th President Theodore Roosevelt when I watched Ken Burns latest PBS documentary ““. I learned a lot about this amazing & sometimes eccentric leader; he definitely ranks up there as one of my favorite presidential leaders when it comes to self-reliance & motivation. Roosevelt believed it was his destiny to lead the people of the United States into the Twentieth Century, to expand the powers of the Constitution and especially the Presidency, to make government the guarantor of a “square deal” for all Americans, particularly recent immigrants, the poor, and the inhabitants of great cities.

  1. Theodore Roosevelt Quotes Critic
  2. Theodore Roosevelt Quotes

He also believed that the United States must take its place among the great powers of the world, that with the help of a greatly expanded navy it must fill the vacuum being left by the decline of the British Empire. He was an ardent nationalist. There is no doubt that he passionately set his own course and became perhaps the most active and outspoken President in American history. June 3, 2017 by efarns from United States Great sourse of infomation told in an easy to listen to, and to implent manner. Having spent a great 23+ years actdu, USN advancing from E1 through E-8 the as a commissioned officer, I learned a ton about leadership and management, and the differnce between the two. Richard bridges the gap betwen what we learned in leadership and management in the military, and the lack of training that is provided to folks wanting to be great leaders in the cilvilain world. If you are looking to improve your leadership and management skill, Rischard is a must listen.

Theodore Roosevelt is widely regarded by historians as one of the greatest American presidents.

Theodore Roosevelt Quotes Critic

All-Star Guests! August 6, 2016 by Auz641 from United States I've listened to many of Richard's podcasts, and I always like what I hear. The topics covered tend to be slightly different than those covered on other leadership related podcasts, which is a good thing. The style and presentation is also different, which can help lock in the important takeaways. I look forward to continuing my own leadership development by learning from more leaders as Richard leads them through insightful Q&A. Write Yourself A Prescription for a 'Dose of Leadership'.

May 18, 2016 by ConjuringMind from United States I discovered these podcasts a few months ago after meeting Richard in person at a local gathering of entrepreneurs. The material shared and discussed in these podcast interviews is the absolute real deal, and Richard is a great guy! No 'rah-rah,' pump-you-up, over-sensationalized junk here that sounds great but later leaves you empty and defeated. Richard has definitely found his calling when it comes to being a top-notch interviewer, and his guests are a veritable A-list of successful leaders in numerous walks of life from businesses and organizations from around the world. These candid and insightful interviews reach into people's hearts and souls, and are much more than a series of loaded questions or cleverly disguised sales pitches.

There is something for everyone in these episodes, because leadership isn't just about business and money, it's about LIFE; and if you're just now discovering them, I suggest you instantly write yourself a prescription for a good dose of binge-listening. Excellent leadership content.

September 21, 2015 by Leigh, RN from United States Nursing leaders will gain a wealth of knowledge from listening to interviews with leaders who are leading with common sense to help with their personal development as leaders. Leadership development is an ongoing journey that requires lifelong learning, and this resource gives a dose of what nursing leaders need to continue on their leadership paths. The interviews are a source of inspiration and education to nursing leaders both new and old. Great Content. July 23, 2015 by Vernon Foster II from United States Richard THANK YOU! I’m moved right now.

Theodore Roosevelt Quotes

Your interview with Barbara Corcoran light my soul on fire!! It’s singing like the birds in the AM. She’s such an authentic leader and doesn’t try to sugar coat it - we need more of this! Some harsh truths about about entrepreneurship. But the quote, when she was saying how she still faced her own demons, “You can’t kill the feeling but what you can do is declare war on the action so that you don’t succumb to it.” Extremely powerful.


@VernonFoster, CPO at Pod Parrot. What an amazing experience! June 8, 2015 by Sara O'Connor from Canada I am a weekly listener of this inspiring podcast and highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in personal develoment, leadership, authenticity or just looking for inspiration. The guests are fom a diverse set of backgrounds including military, entrepreneurs, authors, gov and provate industry. I have found at least one major take-away from each episode.

Thank you Richard for this podcast, it is valued!. Authentic, Empowering, Principle-Based Leadership.

February 21, 2015 by Zen Champion from United States When a close friend told me about Richard and his podcast, I decided to give it a shot. Over the last two months, I've listened to at least half of his episodes and I have to say that they are inspiring, informational and well done. And having never listened to podcasts in the past, I am not only hooked on his, I have discovered two others (Eternal Leadership and Creating Disney Magic) that I listen to almost daily.

Theodore roosevelt quotes leadership

I've also had the pleasure of meeting Richard in person and he is thoughtful and genuine. I would highly recommend this podcast to anyone. We All Need a Dose of Leadership.

November 12, 2014 by Gavin, Australia from Australia I have only been listening to Richard’s podcast for a few months, however I believe that Dose of Leadership is the best podcast for managers and leaders in the market. Richard’s conversational style and his inquisitive nature ensures that he gets the very best out of his guest in each podcast. I highly recommend Dose of Leadership to any aspiring leader who wants to know more about the complicated art of leadership. Great source for leadership guidance.

September 23, 2014 by Beverley Golden from Canada Connecting with Richard Rierson and then being a guest on his show 'Dose of Leadership' was refreshing and delightful. Both Richard and I have the same way of being in the world, which is to dive in with the intention of having an unscripted conversation, allowing it to go and flow where it wants to. My sense is Richard and I could talk about anything, and I look forward to another conversation with him again in the near future. More than a dose of leadership.

July 6, 2013 by Learjet aviator from United States This podcast should be broadcast to our country's leadership! Rierson and his influential guests take great strides in proposing foundational leadership concepts. Richard demonstrates a great passion for teaching leadership and exposes the listener to no-nonsense techniques to carry forward. His down to earth questions to his guests are just what I, the working level leader, would like to ask the guests. Keep up the good work!. Stop what you're doing and subscribe!

January 27, 2013 by MSGPepper from United States I have just recently been informed about the existence of Dose of Leadership and just checked out the interview Richard had with Gene Kranz, as my first foray into these podcasts. If the other podcasts are as interesting as this one, Dose of Leadership has a great future ahead of it. Richard's interview was (as expected) focused on the leadership aspects and views of Gene Kranz's career and I found it interesting and informative. Richard was well prepared and his interview and it showed in the way in which the interview flowed. Nothing seemed forced or contrived to me. I am looking forward to catching up with the other installments!

Theodore Roosevelt. Jr Cornell University Library Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt Jr.

Was the 26th president of the United States. Serving from 1901 to 1909, he lived a vigorous lifestyle and his presidency was defined by a rugged individuality and reform. His combination of masculinity and defiance created a near perfect breeding pond for memorable Teddy Roosevelt quotes that endure to this day. While, several Theodore Roosevelt quotes have melded themselves into the American psyche as you will see as you read through our list of his most memorable quips. Born in 1858, suffered from asthma that often left him bedridden or confined to the indoors.

He adopted a rigorous lifestyle and tackled his illness head-on with determination and ferocity after finding that exercise lessened the frequency and severity of his asthma attacks, he began boxing by the time he was twelve years old. His interests did not stop with the physical. He was very intelligent and an avid researcher. His main interests were zoology and military history.

After graduating from Harvard, Teddy Roosevelt was elected to the New York State Assembly. He immediately made his reformist leanings known by investigating corporate corruption. During his three terms in the state assembly, Teddy served as Republican party leader and Chairman of the Committee on Affairs of Cities. He left the state assembly in 1884 following the deaths of his mother, Martha, and first wife, Alice Hathaway Lee, to try his hand at being a cowboy in North Dakota. While in North Dakota, Roosevelt became a deputy sheriff. In that role he pursued and captured several criminals, adding to his reputation as a hard-bitten outdoorsman. Roosevelt returned to pubic life in 1886 in various roles in New York.

It wasn’t until 1897 that he stepped into a national role as the. In that role he stumped for the build up of the Navy, the construction of large battleships, and the removal of Spain from Cuba. After the U.S.S. Maine exploded in the port of Havana, Cuba and the declaration of war against Spain, Roosevelt resigned his post with the government, returning to his role as a captain in the New York National Guard. After war was declared in April 1898, Roosevelt and Colonel Leonard Wood formed the First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment, also known as the “”, to fight in Cuba. Promoted to Lt.

Colonel, Roosevelt secured the best arms for his men and set sail for the battle. He was promoted to Colonel while in Cuba and led his men during several battles. Theodore Roosevelt became president on September 14, 1901 following the assassination of President McKinley. He left an indelible mark in American history throughout not just his presidency, but his whole life, leaving the world with many practical, inspirational, and motivational quotes.

Read on for eleven Theodore Roosevelt that you may be able to integrate into your daily life. “Nothing in this world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty.”.